Saturday, May 20, 2006
Ian McKellen and Broken Teeth...
that pretty much sums up last night... Went to see The DaVinci Code... by the way, I wish they would have just called it DaVinci Code... I can't say 'the' in front of it... comes out like 'DaDinci' and no, I'm not going to ramble thru a review. I'll only say that Ian McKellen stole the show. Yup. That is all. and to the car I pulled out in front of while trying to make a right on red... Sorry man... my contacts were clouding up.. yeah. So anyway, on the way back to the car..( which was miiiiiiiles from nowhere, considering the parking garage was full... pfft). I chipped a tooth!! How you ask? Chewing gum!!! Perhaps I need a calcium supplement... but honestly, who'd have thought my left molar would be defeated by half a stick of Orbit?? CRAP!! I mean, it's not like I was trying to knaw my way thru a chain link fence or something! I just stood there for a minute, staring back and forth between Roger, and the couple pieces of my tooth that I was holding.. I wasn't sure what to do, so I put 'em in my purse. Like I can just glue them back on! HA! and I can't get to the dentist til probably next tuesday.. .......... I knew there was a reason I bought that dental acrylic set from Monster Makers...

Friday, May 5, 2006
The Squirrel Whisperer...
Ah yes, another episode of 'Kari's Urban Exploration'.... today's adventures took Rog and I to 2... yes 2 quite large cemeteries. I'm talking large.. I've got the blisters on my feet to prove it... they go well with the giant burn on my leg that I got from a botched curling iron encounter; the details of which are quite embarassing. I'll just say this.. never be so foolish as to think you can iron the hem on a pair of homemade capri pants with a large-barrelled curling iron..... while you are wearing said capris. Yeah, the hindsight's pretty clear on this one.
Anycrap, I love cemeteries... is that creepy? Ah well, I don't care, they're great places to think. And really, you could spend hours just thinking about the people there...who they really were, how they died... if anyone remembers them now. God I hope people remember me when I'm gone. Do you ever wonder what kind of an impact, if any, you've made on other people?? or if they'd miss you if you weren't there? Jeez what a downer. So I've been thinking a lot lately; trying to figure myself out... the way I think, or overthink rather. Dang if that isn't completely self-centered. Someone smack me! Anyway, I've been thinking about why I do or don't do things, or leave things unsaid. why things I try to keep bottled up end up coming out at completely inopportune times, like right now. why things I say always seem to come out wrong. Yes, I've spent scads of time doing this and it's completely ridiculous... anything that's bugging me is totally insignificant compared to the major shit other people have going on.
So, to all the people like me who let things get to them..... QUIT!! yeah, I know it's easier said than done.... TRY! ....to all the people who don't let stuff get to them... GREAT! GOOD FOR YOU! ....and to the people who leave religious pamplets on my car, right before it rains, knowing it's gonna get stuck to my windshield and gunk it all up........EAT SHIT!!! Ahh, that's better......Moving on.. This time I managed to remember my camera, but not the batteries... so I only got a few pics. I think they may have been 90% squirrels though.. they're just so darn cute. I could stand there all day, camera poised, just waiting for them to do something funny. What a waste of good film. ha has anyone noticed that graveyard squirrels are different than regular squirrels? I mean, I suppose it comes from, you know, living in a graveyard.. but they're strange. ha, I bet you're wondering if I'm gonna follow this up with a story. Um, yeah!
So Roger and I are standing there by some monument thingy that looks like the stairway to heaven, and I look over just in time to see this fat little squirrel, upside down near the bottom of some freaky tree (have you noticed cemetery trees are different too?)... I take a picture, and the little dude comes at me like we're gonna fight... like I'm the paparazzi and he's Sean Penn or something. Then he twitches his tail and jumps around for a bit, then stands there and stares. Not to be outdone, I say 'oh yeah! let's have a staring contest! I bet you break first!'.....and then.....I shit you not.. the squirrel moves it's little hand as if to say 'who, me?!'.....and then I'm all like 'Oh yeah, you!'.......you know, I'm not sure which is worse, the part about the squirrel moving it's hand, or just the whole idea of me having a conversation with a squirrel... but I digress. Long story shorter, he broke first (ha HA! Take that, Admiral Fuzznuts!), and I came away the triumphant winner. Thank you, Thank you... no applause. After that, we got munchies from Burger King, and went down to the river bank to eat.
5 minutes later we're knee deep in conversation with some drunk guy. Honestly, I'm like a magnet for these people... like a bug lamp or something. So he's telling us he was quarterback in '72.. that he'd like to retire to tijuana...and then some story about some 550 pound guy who wanted to be a potato bug. (?!?!?!) "oooo he wanted to be a potato bug so bad!......and then he died that day... that day that he died" Yeah, it didn't make any sense to me either. so then he convinces himself that Rog is my dad.... then he decides we must be on a date... then I think for a minute he thought I was a hooker. I think maybe the 6th time I said 'he's my best bud'.. it finally sank in. then he wanted to talk a little too much about me being pretty, so we decided it was time to bolt. even with all the crap that happens on these outings, they've been some of the greatest times ever..... Next up on the adventure list (maybe not the very next, but soon)... Loretta Lynn's old house in Van Lear. Who'd have thought it was somewhere I'd be itching to visit?? Well I am! and that is all for now. Thank you, drive thru
Anycrap, I love cemeteries... is that creepy? Ah well, I don't care, they're great places to think. And really, you could spend hours just thinking about the people there...who they really were, how they died... if anyone remembers them now. God I hope people remember me when I'm gone. Do you ever wonder what kind of an impact, if any, you've made on other people?? or if they'd miss you if you weren't there? Jeez what a downer. So I've been thinking a lot lately; trying to figure myself out... the way I think, or overthink rather. Dang if that isn't completely self-centered. Someone smack me! Anyway, I've been thinking about why I do or don't do things, or leave things unsaid. why things I try to keep bottled up end up coming out at completely inopportune times, like right now. why things I say always seem to come out wrong. Yes, I've spent scads of time doing this and it's completely ridiculous... anything that's bugging me is totally insignificant compared to the major shit other people have going on.
So, to all the people like me who let things get to them..... QUIT!! yeah, I know it's easier said than done.... TRY! ....to all the people who don't let stuff get to them... GREAT! GOOD FOR YOU! ....and to the people who leave religious pamplets on my car, right before it rains, knowing it's gonna get stuck to my windshield and gunk it all up........EAT SHIT!!! Ahh, that's better......Moving on.. This time I managed to remember my camera, but not the batteries... so I only got a few pics. I think they may have been 90% squirrels though.. they're just so darn cute. I could stand there all day, camera poised, just waiting for them to do something funny. What a waste of good film. ha has anyone noticed that graveyard squirrels are different than regular squirrels? I mean, I suppose it comes from, you know, living in a graveyard.. but they're strange. ha, I bet you're wondering if I'm gonna follow this up with a story. Um, yeah!
So Roger and I are standing there by some monument thingy that looks like the stairway to heaven, and I look over just in time to see this fat little squirrel, upside down near the bottom of some freaky tree (have you noticed cemetery trees are different too?)... I take a picture, and the little dude comes at me like we're gonna fight... like I'm the paparazzi and he's Sean Penn or something. Then he twitches his tail and jumps around for a bit, then stands there and stares. Not to be outdone, I say 'oh yeah! let's have a staring contest! I bet you break first!'.....and then.....I shit you not.. the squirrel moves it's little hand as if to say 'who, me?!'.....and then I'm all like 'Oh yeah, you!'.......you know, I'm not sure which is worse, the part about the squirrel moving it's hand, or just the whole idea of me having a conversation with a squirrel... but I digress. Long story shorter, he broke first (ha HA! Take that, Admiral Fuzznuts!), and I came away the triumphant winner. Thank you, Thank you... no applause. After that, we got munchies from Burger King, and went down to the river bank to eat.
5 minutes later we're knee deep in conversation with some drunk guy. Honestly, I'm like a magnet for these people... like a bug lamp or something. So he's telling us he was quarterback in '72.. that he'd like to retire to tijuana...and then some story about some 550 pound guy who wanted to be a potato bug. (?!?!?!) "oooo he wanted to be a potato bug so bad!......and then he died that day... that day that he died" Yeah, it didn't make any sense to me either. so then he convinces himself that Rog is my dad.... then he decides we must be on a date... then I think for a minute he thought I was a hooker. I think maybe the 6th time I said 'he's my best bud'.. it finally sank in. then he wanted to talk a little too much about me being pretty, so we decided it was time to bolt. even with all the crap that happens on these outings, they've been some of the greatest times ever..... Next up on the adventure list (maybe not the very next, but soon)... Loretta Lynn's old house in Van Lear. Who'd have thought it was somewhere I'd be itching to visit?? Well I am! and that is all for now. Thank you, drive thru
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