Sunday, January 7, 2007

Five o'clock in the mornin'...

if anyone knows what song my blog title is from... I'll respect you forever. If you knew the version... maybe I'd love you forever too. HA! So you know it must be pretty obscure. Yup.
Ahhh... wide awake at 5am.. Haven't been this bored in a long time. So I figured I'd ramble on here for a while.
Hmm.. what's happened to me lately.. *thinks*. Actually, there hasn't been a lot going on. Work is picking up, so I suppose that could be considered a good thing. It's almost funny how much I dislike customer service, yet I find myself back there every day.. talking to one jackass after another. Honest to god.. if I'm on the phone with you, trying to fix your voicemail.. and I say 'Okay, I need to make a test call into your voicemail to make sure it works. So when your phone beeps.. DON'T ANSWER IT'..... common sense might just tell you not to answer the beep... but I can't tell you how many people do answer it. Since I'm on the subject, here are some other things to remember before you call any customer service...
~If your problem has ANYTHING to do with the phone itself... CALL ME FROM A DIFFERENT PHONE. ex. f you can't figure out how to copy numbers from your address book, or you can't figure out how to change your ringtone... aside from me just telling you how to do it, and hoping that you retained at least enough of that information to not call back 5 minutes later, I can't help you.
~I'm required to say certain things at the beginning and ending of a call.. Don't interrupt me. When I ask your name.. don't just start telling me your problem.. GIVE ME YOUR FREAKIN NAME! and if I ask you if there's anything else I can do for you, if you say 'no' and then let me get all the way thru 'thank you for calling, have a nice day'... THAT'S IT! Understand that you will now forfeit any chance to ask more questions...don't try yelling 2 seconds before I hang up. this happens at least 10 times a day.
~If you think you deserve a credit for something.. don't say 'I've been a great customer'.. no you haven't. At best, you've merely fulfilled the obligations of a contract YOU SIGNED. Why do people think it makes them some kind of god if they can abide by a contract?? Hey everybody! Look at me! I told them I'd pay my bills for 2 years, and I actually did it!! YIPPEEEEE!! Where's my party! Where's my 'Best Customer Ever' T-shirt and giant cardboard check for 25,000??
~Don't start the call off by being a total douche... that makes me not want to help you. And yeah, you might be mad about something.. and you might be pissy that you have to verify all your information for the 40th time... but I don't know you from a cat turd.. I have to ask you questions to know what's going on. For god's sake, help me out a little.
~Don't call me if you're eating, bathing, or engaging in any other unspeakable bathroom antics. Yes, people do this to me. Every day.
~Before you call me.. try just turning the phone off.. yes, it will fix your problem at least 75% of the time.
~If you're too cheap to pay for phone sex, NEVER... EVER call customer service as a substitute. They don't pay me enough to listen to you molest yourself.
~If you're on a plan that includes free roaming and long distance within the U.S.... Canada doesn't fall under that. Yes, I'm serious.
~If you lose your phone, and you don't have insurance. Tough shit. Who's fault is that? It sure isn't mine, and no, I can't just 'produce' another phone for you. If I could dispense cell phones at will, I sure as hell wouldn't be sitting in a cubicle talking to you. I'd be blowing Blackberries out my nose and selling them on ebay for a hefty profit.
~When I say 'Can I please get your 10 digit mobile number, with the area code first*..' ......DON'T start dialing the number. Yeah, I don't understand tones, I actually need you to SAY IT.
~*'Area code first'.... Nope, I'm not asking for your zip code. If I was, I'm not 100% sure here, but I'm pretty confident that I'd say 'Zip code'.
aaaah, I think that does it for right now.. I could think of a few more, but I'll save em for another time.
Yeah, still pretty bored, still wide awake. Nothing else to do but load up my mp3 player and wait for the sun to come up. I love when the sun is barely up, and everything is still kinda hazy, and it's dead quiet.
it's 20 minutes of feeling completely alone. No one else is awake, not even the birds. This is great. I guess cause it's the most alone I ever feel, but I know it won't last forever, so I can actually enjoy it. Hmm.. that doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. Maybe I AM tired..
"The head of state has called for me by name, but I don't have time for him. It's gonna be a glorious day, I feel my luck could change"