Sunday, November 19, 2006

The sky isn't falling...

and so the meteor shower I've been looking forward to all day was kind of a letdown. Stupid clouds. Stupid cold weather.
it was kind of cool to be standing all by myself outside my house til after midnight though.. listening to leaves crunching on the hill while some giant shadow moved about. I'm pretty sure it was one of my neighbors cattle.. unless it was a really fat deer. You don't see many fat deer though, so I'll stick with it being a cow.
this would have been one of the rare occasions when it would be cool to live waaaay out in the country. I could have done without the pesky traffic and the giant lights my neighbors have.
So I stayed out until I couldn't feel my face anymore, and a couple cats started fighting in the field below my house. There's just something about it that always scares me.. perhaps it's the fact that my cat used to get in rancid fights all the time.. in the middle of the night... right outside my window. It doesn't help that I'm completely disoriented when I wake up... so waking up to a catfight at 3am is enough to give me a coronary.
The clouds broke just long enough for me to see a couple meteors though, so I didn't come away completely empty handed.
So it was worth it.
and I even managed to make a couple wishes..
They are shooting stars after all.

"At my door, the leaves are fallin', a cold wild wind will come.
Sweethearts walk by together, and I still miss someone."

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